Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Reflection on MAED 314 in-class video
Some of our classmates commented on the slow presentation as boring, but that is just our minds adjusting to this style. We are used to fast paced information, and no time for repetition and practice. In my opinion, this was a great speed to teach at! The students certainly didn't seem bored! In fact, those students seemed completely absorbed in the process. The teacher was teaching to the slowest student and making sure everyone was on board. I was very impressed with that. In the space of 20min, he had successfully introduced the concept of algebra in an interactive, engaging and relational way. He had given the students the skills to perform algebra slowly and incrementally so that they all got it. He made the knowledge linear and broke it into small enough pieces.
I am very impressed. I plan on using some of his approaches in introducing concepts to my students in the future.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Battleground Schools (Summary & Reflection)
This article addresses many of the problems that face the system of education of math curriculum in public schools. Primarily, there is a clash between progressive and conservative thinkers on the transmission of knowledge from teacher to student and what math skills should be the focus of instruction. Also, there is a recurring theme of prejudice, misconception and fear of mathematics that has a cripling effect as it propagates through the generations. It is not only socially acceptable to be mathematically illiterate, but there are students and teachers alike who pass through the education system without ever really understanding fundamental secondary math concepts. In this way, there are many math teachers who do not possess the skills to properly instruct their students in math and who are excused on the grounds that the textbook is considered 'teacher-proof'.
In the early 20th century (1910-1940), a Progressivist Reform sought to bring about the unification of knowledge and application. This meant using an inquiry-based approach to learning that had largely been ignored before. This included the facilitation and orchestration of student supported inquiries into learning. Then, in the 60s, spurred on by the launch of Russian spacecraft, the 'space race' became a national issue in America as an unmet demand for qualified and educated scientists was realized. This 'New Math' initiative saw the rewriting of mathematical structure to be based more on set theory. But many teachers struggled to adapt to the new changes and in the 70s, the popular media was denouncing it. Now (1990-present), there is a real reigning-in on teaching standards in an attempt to implement a 'back-t0-basics' approach that lessens the autonomy of teachers and holds them more accountable. The National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM) produced a definitive set of standards in 2000.
This article had a lot that needed digesting. I can imagine that there would be incredible difficulties in moderating and regulating the instruction of any subject, but with math, it must be that much more difficult. Not only is it a subject that many people aren't fluent with, but because it is logically driven, discrepancies must be extremely difficult to resolve. If two teachers each believe their competing interpretations of the rules of math are correct, then there is little persuading them. Also, when it comes to the level of autonomy of teachers in the class room, I don't know where I stand. I know that it is essential that no detail of math instruction (either relational or instrumental) be left out, but at the same time, I don't want teachers acting as textbook paraphrasers either. That is why provincial exams are a good idea, because it holds the teachers within the bounds of the material covered therein. What I would like to see is an increase in the expectation of math students and teachers. If we can raise the standard (create a new trend of achivement), then all future generations can benefit.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Re: Student/Teacher Interviews
5 Burning Questions to Math Teachers and Math Students (Answered)
Below are the answers we received from our willing student and teacher participants. The answers are candid, honest and anonymous:
1. I am much busier at the full time job. Lesson preparation is the most time consuming thing. Lesson plans don't actually get written on the job. For class management, it is easier to be strict at first, then ease up later rather than the other way around. Seating plans can be very useful to break up chatting kids, although I don't use them that often.
2. Students will usually get 20-40 min. of seat work depending on the lesson. It is difficult to avoid a lot of talking and notes but I try to vary it with activities. Things like math bingo work well as a transition from notes to seat work.
3. In math, I don't use much... algebra tiles are stupid. Only when I get to geometry and surface area do I use solids to show concepts. I try to do many short lab-like activities where kids physically measure stuff with rulers or stopwatches. It is important to get them out of the seat once in a while.
4. I typically try to mimic the textbook, although for physics I don't even use the text and then I go with what is in the IRP's or whatever they'll encounter in university. You must keep notation simple. They will get lost at something so simple as f(x) = g(x) and then you lose them entirely.
5. Yes. It's difficult in practice when you are a new teacher and already have enough preparation and marking. Just be patient and offer you time outside of class. Peer tutors are useful if your school has them.
Student #1:
Grade 9
1. I'm pretty comfortable and math is one of my favourite subjects and I'm comfortable because it isn't super hard and I know how to sorta do it.
2. I remember most of it. It will have to do with my future a lot because it is how to pay taxes and how to know how much space there is in a room so I can place a rug or something in it.
3. Not really slowly, because they want it to get done but you can always come after school and ask for help on the stuff we just covered.
4. Not to much, because it was all really easy and in class we covered much harder stuff.
5. He would do the math for us, not explain and tell us to just do the work sheet.
Student #2:
Grade 12
1. I don't mind math once I grasp the concept, but I have to study hard to completely understand.
2. I remember most of last year's curriculum because most of it applies to this year's course. I don't see much use in this knowledge in the future because I'm not looking into any professions involving a lot of math.
3. Yes, my teacher went at a comfortable pace for me and he covered all the material needed for the exam.
4. I improved my grade with the final exam
5. What I didn't like about my previous teacher's instructing style was that he didn't really like going over the homework if we didn't understand.
Student #3:
Grade 9
1. I actually really enjoy math and I'm mostly comfortable using it because I find it sometimes fun and I understand it.
2. I don't remember everything but I remember a lot of it. A lot of it is important for the future because it was about taxes, fractions and other things that will be helpful for the future.
3. Yeah, she was very good and went over things if people didn't understand. She covered all the material very well.
4. The final exam helped my final grade a lot because it was easier than the work we did in class.
5. She was pretty good but she had a really quiet voice so I had to sit at the front. Other than that, she was a really good teacher.
Student #4:
Grade 11
1. I enjoy math to some extent, I usually don't understand it so I'm not comfortable with using it.
2. My brain likes to do this thing called erasing all memories of things I don't understand or like during the summer... so I don't remember much. I remember learning about certain things, but I don't remember how to do them. I see a use for some of the stuff, but I really don't see when I will need to do factoring and stuff.
3. My teacher went at a very good pace and covered all and more material then was required for our exam.
4. I have to say my exam wasn't even close to representing my course mark. I was getting a solid B (76%) iin the course and then proceeded to get a fabulous 57% on my exam.
5. My math teachers is one of the best around. I don't think there is anything I don't like about his teaching method. Though, he does like to just give us the basic rules of the problem and then we have to take what he showed us and use the same concept for the harder questions. This is one thing that I am still having difficulty with, but that is just me.
Student #5:
Grade 9
1. I really, really like math except last year the text book was all about drawing diagrams and I didn't learn anything so I wouldn't be comfortable using math everyday.
2. I only remember the equations, not the diagrams which would be helpful in the future.
3. My math teacher went way too slow so the whole class began to lose interest and when the finals rolled along, we weren't ready.
4. I did pretty well, it raised my mark a lot, but everyone else who was in our class scored lower than the average mark.
5. I didn't like how my teacher gave notes without explaining them.
MAED 314 'Timed-write' exercise 2
"What makes good math teaching?
What method of approach should be considered optimal? Should we teach students to treat homework questions as unique problems or as derivatives of each other? What truly is the purpose of repetition and what should be its focus? I have found that repetition (as a derivative approach) is a good way to train the mind to be conditioned to the instrumental style of problem solving. Sort of as a way to ingrain the knowledge and give the students a certain 'muscle-memory' for following algorithms. I like this method, as, in the same way that relational learning is built iteratively from fundamental ideas, so must the instrumental tools as well. This is how it is achieved. You can't give someone tools and not teach them how to use them. Tackling new problems every time is often bewildering and futile without proper guidance, experience & knowledge. "
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Reflection... how I learn...
"I often see problems or solutions as an aggregate of ideas. There is some process, whether scientific or artistic, for distilling and refining concepts in some way. Like fitting a curve to data or finding a theme in a body of work, there is truth hidden in the details. As students, we do this process of analysis in the greatest space possible to provid e ourselves a maximum amount of meaning.
In education, I see this process as most common among students. Each contributor to the students' learning (beit teacher, peer, mentor, etc.) provides "some part of it"; some part of an accumulative data set of perspectives. Contained within each, is that grain of substance that must be isolated and appreciated. The meaning of life, in part, is devised in this way also, as a summation of a global definition of this meaning.
We search continuously for more ideas and opinions that can clarify our world. Like a compilation of 'trace paper' sketches all totalled to produce a final picture. In this way, as individuals, we see only a part of it, but as a collective academic and learned society, we continue to approach the entire thing. But like the drawing of a fractal image, each layer of detail only attends to a small piece of new information or structure. And like a fractal, this process continues indefinitely on an infinitesimal scale. Perhaps the meaning of life is to continue this trial for as long as we believe it serves us. Or perhaps, we will stumble upon a discrete end; a finishing step. We will have to wait for the unification of our beliefs and understanding for that to occur. Like a mathematician conceding defeat at the hands of a quantized world. But we are grateful for that opportunity of discovery, our chance to be wrong. "
This brief piece of writing was done in about 5 minutes and so there was little preparation, proof reading or lifting of the pen from the page. Gleam from this what you will (if anything) and use it as a jumping-off point in your own thinking.
Weigh-scale Problem (New Solution)
Problem: A weigh-scale has four 'test weights' that are used to help balance the scales and measure the weight of unknown objects. If these scales can correctly measure the weight of any object whose weight is a whole number from 1 to 40 (1kg, 2kg,...39kg, 40kg.), how much do each of the four 'test weights' weigh?
1kg - 3kg - 9kg - 27kg
This is because, the difference between weights is a range twice the amount of the former weight, allowing the any number in between to be reached from either bound.
Below is a table values of weights. The first number shows the weight of the unknown object and the second and third sets of numbers show the balancing of numbers.
1: 1 = 1
2: 2 + 1 = 3
3: 3 = 3
4: 4 = 1 + 3
5: 5 + 1 + 3 = 9
6: 6 + 3 = 9
7: 7 + 3 = 1 + 9
8: 8 + 1 = 9
9: 9 = 9
10: 10 = 9 + 1
11: 11 + 1 = 3 + 9
12: 12 = 3 + 9
13: 13 = 1 + 3 + 9
14: 14 + 1 + 3 + 9 = 27
15: 15 + 3 + 9 = 27
16: 16 + 3 + 9 = 1 + 27
17: 17 + 1 + 9 = 27
18: 18 + 9 = 27
19: 19 + 9 = 1 + 27
20: 20 + 1 + 9 = 3 + 27
40: 40 = 1 + 3 + 9 + 27
The interesting thing about this solution is that you can carry this process on indefinitely. In the same way that you can reach all numbers with just 1,2,4,8,16, ... etc. you can reach them with 1,3,9,27,81, ... etc. The trick to this puzzle seems so mundane when presented in this fashion, so let's bring in a new idea!
My Solution:
2kg - 6kg - 18kg - 54kg
You'll notice now that my numbers are quite big. In fact, rather coincidentally, they are exactly double. But what is funny, is that I discovered this solution and remained oblivious to the original solution, until some one showed it to me. So let me show you why this one works. Note, this solution works so well, that you can go farther than 40kg, you can go to 80kg!!
Reaching the even numbers with my solution is identical to the original solution, although I didn't see that at the time. However, without the number '1', reaching the odd numbers is difficult. Now, two 'weighings' are required. But despite that, reaching the numbers is just as fast except now we can reach 80 with just four 'test weights'!
1: 1 < 2
1 > 0
2: 2 = 2
3: 3 + 2 < 6
3 > 2
4: 4 + 2 = 6
5: 5 < 6
5 + 2 > 6
6: 6 = 6
7: 7 < 2 + 6
7 > 6
8: 8 = 2 + 6
9: 9 + 2 + 6 < 18
9 > 2 + 6
10: 10 + 2 + 6 = 18
11: 11 + 6 < 18
11 + 2 + 6 > 18
12: 12 + 6 = 18
13: 13 + 6 < 2 + 18
13 + 6 > 18
14: 14 + 6 = 2 + 18
15: 15 + 2 < 18
15 + 6 > 2 + 18
16: 16 + 2 = 18
17: 17 < 18
17 + 2 > 18
18: 18 = 18
19: 19 < 2 + 18
19 > 18
20: 20 = 2 + 18
27: 27 + 2 + 6 + 18 < 54
27 > 2 + 6 + 18
35: 35 + 18 < 54
35 + 2 + 18 > 54
36: 36 + 18 = 54
37: 37 + 18 < 2 + 54
37 + 18 > 54
71: 71 < 18 + 54
71 + 2 > 18 + 54
79: 79 < 2 + 6 + 18 + 54
79 > 6 + 18 + 54
80: 80 = 2 + 6 + 18 + 54
Just to name a few!
I really like how pretty this looks. It's very easy to do, once you see the pattern play out over enough numbers. Now, I'll give you a little explanation behind how I landed on these numbers.
When I first saw the problem, I knew that the four numbers (weights) should probably add up to 40 (or at least close to). That way, when the biggest number came up, these four numbers could still reach it. But I was struggling to identify (only) four numbers that were large enough to reach 40, but small enough to hit each little number as it came up. Believe it or not, my first quess came along the lines of 1 - 4 - 9 - 20. It seemed to me that there was adequate space between the numbers, but that they could still reach in between. So seemed a good place to start, save for my initial constraint that the four numbers had to add up to 40. These added up to only 34. This lead me to believe that '1' was out! No way could I have four numbers and have '1' as one of them. So I next looked at 2 as my lowest number. This immediately prompted the question, well how would you weight '1'? Hmm... well, I suppose '1' is less that '2' (my lowest number), and since these are weigh-scales, we'd easily be able to determine that '1>0'. Thus, began my rationale behind using inequalities. After '1' was solved, '2' was easy. It was '2=2'! But '3' was hard. If my second weight was '5', then '3+2=5'. But by that reaoning, '6+5+2=13' and '14+13+5+2=34'. So, my four numbers would be 2 - 5 - 13 - 34. Does this work? Actually, it does!! But it can only reach 54 (not 80) and more importantly, before I had even got to working out all four numbers, I had already thought of changing it.
If I can get away with 1<2, then I can get away with 2+3<6 and from that I can do anything. 2+6=8 and so, the next number we could have to deal with is 9. And again, I can get away with 2+6+9<18, so I did so. And from this, I produced way of figuring out the next number. 2+6+18=26, so 2+6+18+27<54 was the next step in the logic. And from that I produced my guiding numbers. And they are 2 - 6 - 18 - 54. And with these, I can tackle all of them to 80. Not 2+6+18+54=80. So, if I only had three weights, I could reach 26. i.e. 2+6+18=26.
So, if you are faced with this problem in the future, you have the skills to overcome it. And what if you are presented with 1-40,000 instead of 1-40?? Can it be done? Is this the most efficient way? What are the implications? Below I have set a question dealing with just that:
How many weights (#) are necessary to reach 40,000kg? How high would those weights reach (kg)?
(side bar of page)
Hope you enjoyed!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Response: Article by Heather J. Robinson
by Heather J. Robinson
This article struck me particularly because I see myself, primarily, as a 'lecture-based' teacher. Perhaps this spawns from having a lecture-style teacher for my grade 12 year. But, having the right coping and learning skills, I thrived regardless and in fact was probably aided by the large quantity of information and demonstration. The participation factor wasn't necessary for me to succeed, where as it may be for many others. So, I'm looking to try and be more effective than that at reaching all my students.
I am curious as to why the issue of high failure rates doesn't seem to have been addressed by the school. Did they not know this was happening? Also, what school has 20 math teachers?!? Even for 2,500 students. My high school had 3,000 students and had a french teacher teaching math along with a small handful of math teachers. And there was no 'Advanced Placement Statistics' or 'Money Management' courses... there was just 'Math'! Is it possible that this school and its teachers were simply teaching material that was too advanced for the students? Or were there some real challenges in engaging the students, without sacrificing the essential time spent on theory and lecture.
It even seemed that there might be a fundamental challenge in learning instrumental techniques (as in the case of the Quizzes). There is clearly a piece of the puzzle missing if the students can't even solve a simplification problem instrumentally.
In my future classroom, I plan on supplying more practice, more assessment and more clarity of information, to best avoid some of these learning crises.
MAED 314 'Timed-write' exercise
Prompt: "2 most memorable math teachers"
"My most memorable math teacher was in grade 12. He was a young guy much like I will be in my first year. I believe he taught us in his first year, although he didn't dare reveal that to us. He was very friendly, considerate and pensive. He had a great answer for most questions and on questions where he didn't, he would ponder it and return triumphantly the next class with the answer/solution. I admired his love of math (and physics) and appreciated his relaxed attitude/philosophy on everything. He also had great demonstrations, I learned a lot.
My second most memorable math teacher was in grade 11. No surprise there. She taught me/trained me to write out all my steps in a solution. Up until grade 11, I used to solve problems only in my head. She helped me show my work... something essential for university! Also, she had us do yoga at the beginning of each math class, which at the very least helped us focus but probably gave us a better perspective also. Very cool!"
In looking back on this 'timed-write', I'm amazed that I didn't chose to focus on a math teacher that I hadn't enjoyed. Although, having succeeded at math, I suppose that I would have survived even bad math classes without much trouble. This exercise has helped remind me of how these math classes had been conducted and I know that as a math teacher, I will incorporate some of their styles whether I know I using them or not. But I feel confident that these teachers have prepared me and given me a model to follow in my teaching, and I'm excited!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Self Review of Lesson
Things that went well in the lesson:
- the students picked up the dance step with relative ease
- my historical account of the dances was interesting and accurate
- my demonstration of dancing technique was good
- my lesson was organized
- I could have provided them with some literature
- I could have asked more clarifying questions
- I shouldn't have taken on so much in such a brief time
What I thought of my peer review:
My peer review was very flattering and also very intriguing. There was some contructive criticism that had never occured to me before, so it was very helpful. I definitely should have done a demonstration of a dance, so that they got a better sense of what they were learning. Of course, this is difficult without music or a costume, but should have been attempted nevertheless. Also, I should have put less emphasis on learning the dance step and spent that time, exploring the subject of dance with them. Lastly, while teaching the step was important so that the participation component of the lesson wasn't lost, I could have provided them with some literature, so that they could have explored learning the steps on their own.
Thank you guys for making this a wonderful learning opportunity for me. If we do an exercise like this again, prepare to have your socks knocked off!
Peer Review of Lesson
My 3 peers all agreed that the my brief introduction and instruction on Highland Dancing and its history, was well outlined and purposeful. They appreciated that I told them the history, as it was 'interesting' and set the tone. They recalled being asked for a pre and post-test evaluation of their knowledge/learning of highland dancing. Most importantly, my peers acknowledged the participation-based learning structure of the lesson as engaging. Finally, they included that there had been a clear summary of the history of the more complex dances.
My 3 peers felt the lesson strengths were:
- instruction was both physical and historical
- dance step learned was new, fun and easy
- instruction was clear and helpful
My 3 peers felt the lesson areas that needed development were:
- the students would have appreciated more individual attention
- the students would have liked more motivation and less pressure to learn at the speed of the group
- the lesson would have greatly benefited from a performance by the instructor (me)
Please note: these reviews have been paraphrased. If Ralph, Greg or Erwin feel these my words don't adequately reflect their thoughts, please let me know, or comment below. :o)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Lesson Plan Sep. 18th, 2009
The purpose of this lesson and its corresponding lesson plan, is for me to familiarize myself with planning and executing a lesson. I've chosen to do a lesson on Highland Dancing as I am an Associate Scottish Dance Instructor. I hope that in the brief time I have to present, that I can introduce this unique art form to my 'students' and give them an opportunity to try it themselves.
Bridge: During my introduction, I'm going to have everyone try and point their feet. A simple and essential skill for any dancer. Once they've tried it, I will teach them a couple basic feet positions, to get their feet wet (so to speak).
Teaching Objectives: I plan to share with my students a very brief and overarching introduction to Scottish culture and tradition. This will be followed by a story of how one of the dances was created. I will then try to teach a beginning step of this dance so that at the end of the lesson, they have something to share with others.
Learning Objectives: The students should come away having experienced a glimps into Scottish tradition. They should be able to remember and perform some basic movements or positions, with the knowledge to perform a beginning dance step.
Pre-Test: I'm going to have the students try some basic feet positions and based on those, I can gauge my students interest, focus, skill level and ability to learn new things.
Participatory Activity Ideas: My lesson will center around the demonstration and replication of a beginning dance step that I will perform and model for them. With immediate feedback, I anticipate my students to learn quickly.
Post-Test: The beginning dance step is a short activity to perform. At the end of my lesson, I will ask them to try perform it on their own to see how they did.
Summary: I will thank my students for participating so eagerly in my class and encourage them to seek out more information (from me or otherwise) about Scottish Highland dancing and traditions.
Happy Dancing!
Response: Relational vs. Instrumental Understanding
Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding
by Richard R. Skemp
Response 1: I find it funny that he says this as I have witnessed the struggles of an 'instrumental learner'. Anyone looking to learn in this way has to evaluate why they want to learn in the first place. Otherwise, it very well might be a 'memorizing exercise' in futility. Someone with a poor memory must understand rationally or they won't have any skills to problem solve.
Quote 2: "If it is accepted that these two categories are both well-filled, by those pupils and teachers whose goals are respectively relational and instrumental understanding (by the pupil), two questions arise. First, does this matter? And second, is one kind better than the other?
Response 2: In many ways, there's two types of teachers; those who have learned about these learning/teaching styles and those who haven't. I feel it's important to appreciate both, even though having a relational understanding is more complete.
Quote 3: "He was a very bright little boy, with an IQ of 140. His misfortune was that he was trying to understand relationally, teaching which could not be understood in this way."
Response 3: I was a student who was trying to understand relationally what my grade 2 teacher was teaching instrumentally. Thankfully, since then I've been met by a plethora of like-minded teachers; relational thinkers, who could teach the way I learn.
Quote 4: "Just because less knowledge is involved, one can often get the right answer more quickly and reliably by instrumental thinking than relational. This difference, is so marked that even relational mathematicians often use instrumental thinking."
Response 4: When concepts get so difficult often times analogy & instrumental techniques are needed to solve difficult problems. In this way, it helps with the ultimate goal of relational understanding. This is an interesting relationship between the two.
Quote 5: "One of these is whether the term 'mathematics' ought not to be used for relational mathematics only."
Response 5: I don't think this distinction is so important, so long as a teacher is conscious of the two styles and how it affects the learning outcome. Instrumental math, which is how we all started learning, is still math.
In conclusion, it's important to make very clear the difference between the two learning/teaching styles, but not to discredit either of them. Instead, we must fuse these two styles together, harmoniously, so that our students can benefit from both. We must recognize students for their individual learning needs, cater to them, and not to forget why they're there.
5 Burning Questions to Math Teachers and Math Students
1. Did you have enough time & were you given enough time to cover the course curriculum?
2. How much time is devoted to instruction vs. seat-work in any given class?
3. What visual methods do you use in class?
4. How do you deal with consistencies or inconsistencies in notation?
5. What is your best advice to us as beginning Math teachers?
For Students:
1. How much do you like math & how comfortable are you with using it? and why?
2. How much do you remember from last year's math course and do you see a use for this knowledge in the future?
3. Did the teacher go at your pace and cover all the material?
4. How well did the final exam reflect your course work?
5. What is one thing you didn't like about your previous teacher's instructing style?
I feel these questions are easy and will get to the heart of the perspectives of students and teachers on the subject of math and math instruction. Feel free to comment, but please respect the privacy of any person whom is the subject of your response.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Welcome to my blogspot. Below are the excerpts from the classroom of me, Mr. Collins. Feel free to comment on anything you find here. Enjoy! ...and I'll see you in the classroom.
Mr. C.